Thursday, October 15, 2015

Surrendering Your Senses to the Holy Spirit

As light and darkness continue to polarize and grow into maturity in the world around us, it is imperative that we learn to discern the spiritual source of the inputs to which we are daily being exposed. This is actually one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit – and we can become more accurate in this gift through practice and fully submitting our bodies with its five senses to God.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Bringing Heaven to Earth Through Agreement

What is the prayer of agreement? It is more than simply clasping hands and saying, “Brother, let’s agree on this together.” The prayer of agreement is more than what we simply verbalize. It has to do with our heart’s attitude. We must first agree with God, and his command to love one another.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Scriptural Declarations: Israel & the Middle East

It is imperative that we stand with God, and stand with the Jewish people in this hour. Not only does scripture provide 7 Clear Demarcations and Declarations regarding Israel and His plan for salvation which I outline below, it also shows us how we are to respond in Proclamation, Praise and Prayer!