Wednesday, November 30, 2016

When You Are Up Against a Wall

Have you ever “hit the wall” with no seeming way forward? How do you keep getting back up again when it appears to be set back after set back? Well, I have been in this place multiple times and I seem to be there once again. Right now, many people are “Up Against the Wall.”

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Waiting or Warring: Contending for Prophetic Promises

When God has given a prophetic promise, how are we to respond? Are we to wait for Him to bring it about in His divine timing, or are we to war for that which He has promised to see it speedily brought forth? This is not really a trick question. Hopefully you will agree that the answer is – BOTH!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Coming into the Light!

Can you imagine, after Adam and Eve had known God, and He knew them, how quickly the spiritual climate changed? As a result of their disobedience, they experienced instantaneous barriers to their intimacy with Him. Walls shot up. After their sin, they plucked leaves off the nearest bush as quickly as they could and sewed coverings for themselves. They were hiding from the Lord their Creator for the first time in their lives.