Sunday, December 12, 2004

My Beloved - Michal Ann Goll


“[She said distinctly] My beloved is mine and I am his!” Song of Solomon 2:16a, Amplified Version

Devotional – “MY BELOVED”

I want to share a short but very significant experience I had with the Lord about a year ago. About this time last year I was diagnosed with colon cancer. When I heard this diagnosis and was faced with my limited options, I so wanted to be healed supernaturally! Now, I’ve known times of divine healing, like when I was healed from barrenness in 1982 (we now have four children!). I’ve also known amazing times of angelic visitation, like the weeks in the fall of 1992. I know this stuff does happen and can happen – to me! Believe me, every night when I went to bed I cried out to the Lord for Him to release His healing presence to me. “Send Your healing angels to deliver me from this awful curse!” I cried. Now would be a great time to be released, to be healed. I called out to Him night after night; each following morning left me a day closer to having to go through surgery to remove my colon. But I continued to pray, believe and expect.

During this time, I did not sense angels coming to touch me, although I’m not saying that they didn’t come. I did not sense a healing grace from the Lord touching me, although I must say I don’t know everything the Lord gave to me as I slept. Here is what I do know –

Every night as I went to bed, I heard the quiet voice of God come to me in my heart, and remind me, “I am my beloved’s, and He is mine.” In the morning I would say back to Him, “Yes, I know, but I need to be healed! Please, Papa, send your healing angels to me!” Night after night He would repeat these words to me. I was having a hard time receiving what He was saying. I was panicking; time was running out! I didn’t want to go through this valley! I wanted to escape! I was desperate!

Slowly, I finally began to get it, at least a little bit. No matter what my circumstances were, He was telling me the most important thing I could ever hear. Angels could not give this most beautiful gift to me! Only my Father God could! Now, I kept asking for the healing to come, even the very moment before I went into surgery. I hung onto His words, singing over me – I am my beloved’s and He is mine!

Those words were what held me steady and secure through that fiery trial! Those words hold me every day of my life, close to Papa’s heart, and kept me out of the miry bog of fear, depression, hopelessness and doubt. Those words filled me with life, with an ever deepening gift of healing that goes beyond my flesh into every aspect of my being.

For most of us the holidays are a wonderful time, but for some the holidays are very difficult, even quite depressing because they remind us of what (or who) we don’t have! Please hear Papa calling to you today! He is singing over each one of us that He loves us, that He is ours, and we are His and His alone! May the enemies of depression, loneliness, rejection and suicide be broken off each of our lives as we receive God’s proclamation of eternal love over us!

Wow! Now that’s good news! Receive His love for you in this blessed Christmas season and beyond! It will hold you steady and secure from this moment on! I am my beloved’s and He is mine!

Many Blessings!

Michal Ann

Quote –

“Love is the basic need of human nature, for without it, life is disrupted emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.”
~Karl Menninger

Prayer –

Dear Papa! “Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life.” These words from a dear old hymn are the cry of our hearts. We need to hear Your words, singing over us. Dear Lord, we’re so sorry that in times past, we have not valued Your words of love and comfort as we should have, and we have looked for something else to bring assurance, rest and peace. At times we’ve been like spoiled little children on Christmas morning, looking for more presents, not valuing the gifts we’ve already received. Forgive us and wash us clean, we ask. “Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life!” We love Your words! In Jesus’ Name – Amen

Applications –

God’s love for us is unconditional! God’s love is faithful! What He has promised He will make come to pass. Each and every promise He has ever made to us, His children, He will fulfill. This is what His Bride, His body, needs to really hold on to.

This holiday season is a wonderful time to really make a point of getting this truth down deep into our hearts! Take time to meditate on what it means to be His beloved! Meditate on His promises to you, and remember His acts of faithfulness to you and your family. This really helps cultivate a thankful, grateful heart that will serve you well the rest of your life. Let this Christmas season be a pivotal time when the roots of God’s abiding love really go deep into your heart!

If you have been helped today through this devotional, consider printing out 5 copies to give to people who maybe don’t have e-mail capacity, perhaps to some of our elderly brothers and sisters in Christ. Be blessed and encouraged this day!

Michal Ann Goll