The following material is an excerpt from Day 2 of The Seer 40 Day Devotional Journal.
It is a compliment to The Seer book and Discovering the Seer in You study guide. If you would like to grow in these areas, then you might consider purchasing these great teaching tools from our online bookstore.THE SEER REALM
1 Samuel 9:9—Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he used to say, ‘Come, and let us go to the seer”; for he who is called a prophet now was formerly called a seer.
Within the overall realm of the prophet lies the particular and distinctive realm of the seer. The word seer describes a particular type of prophet who receives a particular type of prophetic revelation or impartation.
When it comes to prophetic revelation, a prophet is primarily an inspired hearer and then speaker while a seer is primarily visual. In other words, the prophet is the communicative dimension and the seer is the receptive dimension. Whereas nabiy’ emphasizes the active work of the prophet in speaking forth a message from God, ra’ah and chozeh focus on the experience or means by which the prophet “sees or perceives” that message.
All true seers are prophets, but not all prophets are seers. A prophet may have the particular grace to hear and proclaim the word of the Lord and yet not necessarily function as profusely in the revelatory visionary capacity as a seer does. The seer, on the other hand, may move quite remarkably in this visionary dream capacity yet not be as deep in the inspirational audible graces of hearing and speaking. Nevertheless, both move and operate in the prophetic realm, but in different capacities or dimensions.
- The author describes one difference between a prophet and a seer by saying that a prophet hears revelation and speaks it while a seer sees revelation. Have you ever experienced these two types of revelation? Do you know someone who has?
- Since a seer is a receptive dimension of prophetic revelation and the prophet is the communicative dimension, how does this help explain that all true seers are prophets but not all prophets are seers?
- What kind of faith does it take for a prophet to speak forth a message from God? What safeguards do you think a prophet should take to be sure the message is really what he or she heard?
- When a seer receives a prophetic revelation, how is it received? How does the seer’s picture or vision bring God’s revelation to others? Does the seer need to always speak what he or she sees?
- From your experience, comment on seers and prophets and their usefulness in the Body of Christ. What were some immediate reactions to what was shared? Have you seen positive results from what was revealed?
“The seer realm of prophetic anointing has a lot to do with quietly waiting on God. Quite often, impartation in the seer realm comes only after a time of patient waiting and contemplative meditation upon the Lord. But thank the Lord, if we wait, He will come!” How much time do you spend waiting on God in an average day? In an average week? Is God asking you to increase your time waiting on Him so that He might impart more to you?