“Do the Double”
Jesus prophesied, “I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father” (John 14:12).
I call this “doing the double,” and I believe that you and I are part of a generation that has been called to do these “greater works.” By listening to the Holy Spirit and then casting our nets where He tells us to, we will be able to haul in a miraculous catch!This generation, arising and breaking out of the box of traditional limitations, carries a number of distinct characteristics:
- Faith coupled with humility.
- An appreciation for working in teams (gender-inclusive).
- Accountability with relational care, so that wounded warriors can be healed.
- An emphasis of the Fatherhood of God (not only the revelation of Jesus the Son).
- Diversities of anointings, releasing the Holy Spirit with creativity (the prophet and the seer) etc.
- Increased power, clarity and accuracy.
- An ability to see the target clearly.
The Church is our practice ground but the world is our field of operations. As we come alongside each other to help each other hear and obey the voice of the Spirit, we will find ourselves doing far greater works than Jesus did while He was on earth, making it possible for His effectiveness to be multiplied as more territory becomes part of His Kingdom. Let His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!
Prophetic Evangelism
A simple term for “casting your nets on the other side of the boat” is prophetic evangelism, which simply means listening to the Spirit and acting accordingly to bring the Kingdom to bear on the world around you.
Prophetic evangelism combines the sustained emphasis on evangelism that was ushered in with the Reformation more than six hundred years ago. This began in 1904 with the one-hundred-plus-year emphasis on prophecy when the Pentecostal outpouring occurred. As the earlier holiness movement shifted into the Pentecostal movement, which then shifted into the charismatic movement, the groundwork was laid for the current apostolic movement and beyond.
The priesthood of every believer makes it possible for the whole Church to be drawn into new realms of adventure with God. Prophetic evangelism has grown stronger as the Church has matured into a clearer understanding of her Bridal intimacy with her Bridegroom, Jesus, along with the governmental empowerment (the “bridal rule”) of God’s people.
We are all to be prophetic evangelists, whether we find ourselves in mega–churches and massive stadium events—or in some back alley ministering to a homeless person, whether we end up as missionaries in the jungles of the Congo or in Starbucks holding a grande cup of Colombian coffee. The same Holy Spirit keeps speaking to us everywhere we go. He will link us up with others, equip us, teach us how to combine our gifts, and do signs and wonders through us. People will be unable to deny that this is God in action. The power, the love, and the unity will make Him manifest to a lost world.
A Prophetic Prayer Storm
Foundational to prophetic evangelism—and breaking the way for its advance—is prophetic intercessory prayer. Another initiative of my own ministry has been what we call the Prayer Storm.
We have updated the 24/7 prayer model of the Moravians in Hernnhut, Germany two centuries ago, establishing an Internet-based worldwide community of intercessors who commit to pray for one hour per week for revival in the church, a youth awakening, Israel, and God’s intervention in times of crisis. This virtual house of prayer is storming the heavens even now, fueled by the responsiveness of the Spirit of God to the urgency of the times we live in.
With regular updates and reports, webcasts, and other resources, these prayer warriors are pioneering something that has never before been undertaken—blanketing the world with prophetic intercession around the clock that is not limited to one geographical spot. We are restoring and re-releasing the global Moravian Lampstand, based on these words from the book of God’s law: “Fire shall be kept burning continually on the altar; it is not to go out” (Lev. 6:13, nasb). Yes, you can join the Prayer Storm – the hour that changes the world – and together we can see global presence evangelism take as it did in the great revivals of the past.
Throughout our intercession–not only in the Prayer Storm, but also at any other time–we must listen to the Holy Spirit. Without His ongoing guidance, we will soon flounder and falter. In concert with Him, we have the perseverance and energy and accuracy to keep praying until we see definite results.
Let’s pray for greater impact in the global prophetic movement. Let’s ask for another wave of the prophetic to be released with a variety of effects. Let call forth prophetic evangelism and prophetic intercession and let’s see Jesus receive the rewards for His suffering! Let the adventure begin!