Background: I had been ministering in Melbourne, Australia at a wonderful church and conference.
There was a lot of swirl in the Holy Spirit and a lot of movement concerning transition. The conference called Deeper was now over and I was to do a closing session with the host church on Sunday evening. I went to the hotel suite to lay down for a while that afternoon and was praying in the Spirit to charge my battery for the evening. I was pondering what the Lord had for these precious people “down under” for my closing session with them.I actually did not even know I was asleep – let alone that I was dreaming. It was all so real to me…. So even in conveying this – it is hard to relate to this as just a dream – it was more like an encounter.
In the dream the phone in the LIVING ROOM rang. I rose up out of the bedroom where I was lying down resting. I walked into the room and I picked up the phone. In a rather hoarse voice I said, “What time is it?” All of a sudden the plasma Television screen – which I had not turned on up to that point in time – pops on. It is vivid color and it was a SONY instrument.
I turned my head towards the television as bright color was emanating all around out of the screen into the room. It was more like a full 3D event in the room was now taking place – wild technology. I was now in the set itself as it was projected out into the room.
Again, I turned towards the phone – like in a matrix dream – I said, “What time is it?” A voice on the other end of the phone stated clearly and rather forcefully, “It is time for Jeremiah 33:3” (“Call to Me – and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”)
While I heard this voice on the other end of the phone, I realized the TV Show that I was now enveloped in was called “Extreme Make Over.”
I was caught in the visual images projecting out of the screen – I seemed to even be helping write the script…. In the Television show we went into a “Room for Supernatural Change”. It was a changing room. It was rather vulnerable in the changing room. People were disrobing in front of others and yet it was a requirement and all was pure and clean – there was nothing sensual about it at all. Yet I was uncomfortable at first. Naked. Vulnerable. In the changing room with others!
Then I got use to the idea. I thought to myself, “Oh, this is what is required to go through change. You have to shed one garment in order to put on another one.” The atmosphere was permeated with a fresh culture – one of TRUST and RISK.
I realized it was another parable. The place of rest is the precondition that must be met to prepare you for the supernatural change. If you want to go into the changing room without fear – you must learn to rest. Then you can arise – hear a fresh call – enter into a renewed culture of TRUST and RISK and have faith to be vulnerable.
You will have to take off the garment you presently know – (sorry, no layers are allowed!) and go into supernatural change. You have to answer the call. But yet there is a call within the call. The call says to “Call upon Him. He will then show you (as with the television) great and mighty things that you have not previously known.
Then a doorbell rings. I wake up. I did not know I was asleep let alone that I was dreaming. I look at my watch to see “what time it is.” It is now 5:40 PM. Time to leave for the 6 PM meeting. I then hear a knock on my door – I say, “I will be right there.” I rush around to get ready in the natural – but inside I knew I was prepared with the fresh download I had just been given on “what time it is.”