Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Overcoming Demons in the New Testament

Summary of Jesus Dealing With Demons

  • Characteristics of Demons in the New Testament:
    1. They have the 3 basic elements of personality
      • Knowledge – Mark 2:24 “I know who You are.”
      • Will – Matt. 12:44 “I will return to my house from which I came.”(Compare Satan’s rebellious self-will in Isa. 14:13, 14: “I will” 5 times.)
      • Feelings, emotions. They shriek in terror (Mark 5:7, 1:26; Mark 9:26). They tremble (James 2:19).
    2. They prefer to inhabit human bodies than wander without a body (Luke 11:24) They would prefer the body of an animal to being without a body, but their preference is human beings (Matt. 8:31). Note: These are to be distinguished from fallen angels who do not seek to inhabit human flesh, but are content with their own bodies (1 Cor. 15:40).
    3. They have assigned territories. They call the bodies they inhabit ‘my house.’ (Matt. 12:44; Luke 11:24) They prefer to stay in the country they currently reside in than to be banished (Mark 5:10). Compare the designation of spiritual princes in Dan. 10:13, so where they are assigned to certain kingdoms.
    4. They are ranked according to levels of wickedness. “He takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself.” (Matt. 12:45; Luke 11:24)
    5. They are commonly named by the way they defile, afflict, tempt or torment not by names of people Biblically. Jesus used the common designation of foul or ‘unclean spirits’ (Matt. 10:1; 12:43; Mark 1:23, 26; 3:30; 5:2; 7:25; 9:25; Luke 11:24). This term was used for demonic spirits in general, covering everything from a ‘legion’ of demons (Mark 5:2, 8), to spirits causing sickness (Luke 9:42), to spirits of war (Rev. 16:13,14). Other names were, dumb spirit (Mark 9:17), deaf and dumb spirit (Mark 9:25), spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:11). Paul the apostle spoke of a spirit of divination (Acts 16:16), a spirit of bondage (Rom. 8:15), the spirit of the world (1 Cor. 2:12), seducing or deceitful spirits (1 Tim. 4:1), a spirit of disobedience (Eph. 2:2). John spoke of ‘the spirit of antichrist’ (1 John 4:3).
    6. “One of the key marks of demonic activity is restlessness’. Matt. 12:43 – reveals the demons going about seeking rest.
    7. They are stubborn at times and must be overcome with proper preparation and steadfastness (Mark 5:8; 9:26-29).
  • How Jesus Expelled Demons
Notice the variety of methods employed to expel the demons:
      1. Command of faith – Mark 1:25; 9:25.
      2. Laying on of hands – Luke 4:40-41
      3. Anointing with oil – Mark 6:12-13.
      4. The presence of Jesus caused them to manifest – Mark 5:6, 9:20
      5. Believing the word of Jesus – Matt. 15:28; Mark 7:29; 2 Cor. 4:13
      6. Prayer and fasting – Matt. 17:21

Note: Jesus’ ministry was birthed in prayer and fasting. Matt. 4:1-2. He expected His followers to do it regularly – Matt. 6:5, 17; 9:15.

The Victory of the Cross

What put the finishing touch on overcoming Satan and his legions, was not the liberation of individuals alone from demons, but the destruction of the very base of satanic rule. Lucifer’s base had been established through pride, rebellion, disobedience, deceit, darkness and destruction. Now he was contending with the King of Glory walking as a man (Phil. 2:8), humble (Phil. 2:7), in submission to the Father (John 5:19, 30), and natural authority (Luke 2:51), in every point obedient (Heb. 4:15), full of exposing truth (John 8:45-47), shining brightly as the light of the world (John 1:4-5, 9; 8:12), not destroying but saving, healing, and restoring lives (Acts10:38; Luke 9:56).

His sidetracks in the wilderness were seen and overcome with the word of God (Matt. 4:4, 7-10). Finally, the time had come. Jesus speaking of that hour said to His disciples on His final night with them, “Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” John notes, “This He said signifying by what death He would die” (John 12:31–35). He said, “This is your hour and the power of darkness,” to the hostile mob come to arrest him (Luke 22:53). To His disciples at the Last Supper He revealed in John 14:30 – “I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.”

He voluntarily yielded to the hands of sinful men inspired by Satan and his demons to bring suffering and mockery to the Holy Son of God (John 10:17-18, Mark 14:65; 15:16-32). What the prince of darkness and his hosts failed to discern was that for every drop of blood they caused to drop from the Savior’s veins, untold thousands were being released from the domination of this proud, twisted creature (1 Cor. 2:8; Heb. 2:14-15; Col. 1:13-14).

This is the altar of sacrifice where he destroyed the works of the devil. The sin and sickness, the suffering and torment, the rejection and shame, the poverty and abandonment were all taken by the Son of Man on that tree where in exchange the human seed, before bound to the strong man, were now freed to receive by faith all that belonged to the eternal Son of God (Isa. 53:3-6; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 2:9).

When He cried on Calvary’s cross, “It is finished” and surrendered His spirit, it was more than the completion of His life on earth (John 19:30). It was the completion of the old regime. Darkness had lost. Light had prevailed. Heaven’s veil was rent in two. God and man could again enjoy Paradise. The guard to the tree of life was now able to admit all that repented and believed (Rev. 22:14).

Jesus was risen exalted and glorified (Acts 2:32 – 35), installed at the Father’s right hand (Psa. 2:6; 110:1-2), constantly pleading our case as Advocate (Rom. 8:34; 1 John 2:1), secure as God’s Son waiting until all the remaining rebels are brought into subjection (1 Cor. 15:20 –28), as a result of the reverberation of His triumphal death and resurrection resounding throughout the heavens and earth through the Church (Eph. 3:10).

In appearing to His disciples after His resurrection, He says, “All power, authority is given to me in heaven and earth. Go therefore …..” (Matt. 28: 18-19). No longer does it belong to Satan. The Worthy One regained the earth from the prince of the world system. And He sent His disciples into the world as the ambassadors of heaven to proclaim and reveal His Lordship (Mark 16:15; 2 Cor. 5:20). The first thing He said would happen as a sign of those who believed and went proclaiming was that they would cast out demons in His name (Mark 16: 15- 17). O, the victory of the Cross!

The Overcoming Early Church

  • Jerusalem Community: Acts 2:42-47; 4:32 – 37

With the birth of the Church at Pentecost, such a tidal wave of grace and power flowed out from Jerusalem that for the first four chapters there is released a taste of millennial life. Harmony and healings, charisma and community enabled the multitude to quickly take root and bear fruit.

  • Ananias and Sapphira: Acts 5:1-10

The first direct mention of Satan’s activity came with Ananias and Sapphire seeking to lie about how much they were giving to the community. They wanted to appear as giving all while keeping back some for themselves. That deception Peter said was due to Satan filling their hearts to lie to the Holy Spirit. It’s a reminder that ground gained in a time of great grace must be vigilantly kept in watchfulness during dryer seasons. Ananias and Sapphira appeared to be members of the community in good standing, yet they allowed Satan to enter and fill their hearts. Once we’re free and experiencing grace is no guarantee the enemy won’t seek a new hold. Because of the dangerous potential that hypocrisy and lying could have put in the foundational stage of the church, the Lord severely judged these two with death. There is a principle that must be remembered – the greater the light, the greater the accountability.

  • Satanic Backlash: Acts 5:11-42

The resulting fear of the Lord caused new purity and intensity in the evangelistic outreach of the Church. The result was the reenactment of the works of Jesus, even greater works. As the shadow of Peter touched the sick and those afflicted by demons, they were being healed! Once Satan and the demons were directly dealt with, new and intensified persecution arose. Whereas before they were given a verbal reprimand, now the apostles were beaten.

  • Stephen and Philip: Acts 7:51-8:8

When Stephen exposed the hypocrisy of the present religious system, he was martyred and thus began a great persecution. But as they went, scattered abroad, the burning proclamation of Jesus was scattered like embers on dry grass. Their fire spread. As Philip proclaimed Christ in Samaria, many who had unclean spirits had them come screaming out and got healed. Afterwards there was much joy in that city. This story reveals one of the strongest weapons against the demons. The simple anointed proclamation of Christ.

  • The Slave Girl at Philippi: Acts 16:16-21

  1. The slave girl had a spirit by which she predicted the future and she also was a fortune teller (Acts 16:16)
  2. This demonized girl was exploited for financial gain. This is just what the demons wanted (Acts 16:16).
  3. Paul and his party were known in the demonic world (Acts 19:15). The evil spirit followed Paul and his party for many days shouting “These men are servants of the most high God …” (16:17). This was:
    • A demonic ‘word of knowledge’.
    • False flattery and false advertising for the missionary team.
    • A constant distractive and harassing thing for Paul and his party (spiritual warfare).
  4. It seems as if it took Paul a number of days to come to terms with this spirit. Finally, Paul became so troubled that he commanded the demon to come out of her in the Name of Jesus (the authority), and the spirit left her at that moment (16:18).
  5. Persecution of the team was the immediate results (16:19 – 23). This shows how the spiritual powers had a hold on the Philippian society and commerce. When the kingdom of God broke this stronghold, a violent reaction followed.
  6. However, the slave girl was free. Surely her emotional and social life became far healthier!

  • The Ephesian Revival: Acts 19:1-20

After the initial growth of the Ephesian church from Acts 19:1-10, a special grace was released through Paul. The anointing of the Holy Spirit was manifest through cloths that had touched his body with the result that diseases and demons left the sick (Acts 19:11-12). A particular way that demons are forced to leave is through a point of contact whereby the power of the Holy Spirit flows through that channel. These cloths are one example. Another is when the disciples cast out demons and healed the sick with anointing oil (Mark 6: 12). Another is where Jesus laid hands on the sick and the demons came crying out (Luke 4:40-41). All of these are physical points of contact where the Holy Spirit dealt with the demons.With the failure of the Jewish exorcists to get rid of the demons, in contrast to Paul’s success, many began to flock to Christ. They radically turned to the Lord by confessing their sins publicly and making a total and public break with the occult and idolatry, by burning their expensive manuals. As could be expected, with Satan again publicly shamed and humiliated he again stirred up public persecution. It goes with the territory (Acts 19:13-41).

  • Demonstrating Jesus’ Rule in Acts:

Thus, throughout Acts whenever Christ was proclaimed and His death, burial and resurrection portrayed, the Christians moved out in power and triumph over the demons. Peter, Philip and Paul clearly demonstrate that with Jesus’ ascension and the coming of the Spirit, the demons retreat whenever they encounter disciples submitted to the rulership of Jesus forcing them to leave with their prayers, proclamations, commands and lives surrendered to the Holy Spirit.They cast out demons in Jesus’ name (Acts 16:18). The picture of a local magistrate enforcing the Roman Empire through the name of Caesar provides a backdrop for understanding the concept of ‘in Jesus’ Name.” Just as that magistrate had behind him all of the imperial armies and legions of Rome, when one disciple, under the authority of the Lord Jesus, says, ‘Come out, in Jesus’ name,’ he has behind him untold legions of angels, not to mention the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to enforce that word. Thus, bonds were broken, captives were freed, and whole new power equations had to emerge in the heavenlies as these spiritual warriors went forth in the name of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus.

  • Spiritual Warfare in the Epistles:

There has been some question why there is not more discussion of casting out demons in the epistles. It’s important to remember that the epistles were written to growing Christians. The early church norm was to get rid of the demons at the time of conversion and baptism. After that is was not a question of getting the demons out but keeping them out by holy living, prayer, obedience and good deeds. The best defense is a good offense.So in this section we will consider the defense and offensive postures the apostles taught. Secondly, we will consider warnings they gave regarding evil spirits.

    • The Wrestling Match 
Paul taught that we are in war now! He pictures a wrestling match with ‘persons without bodies’ (Eph. 6:12 LB).
    • Against Princes and Their Territories 
A principality is the area over which a prince rules. A principality is simply whatever territory that a particular Satanic prince is assigned to rule over. Even today, there are geographic principalities such as Monaco in the French Riviera. However, in the spiritual a principality is not necessarily limited to geographic boundaries. A principality (sphere of rule) can be as small as a human or as vast as a large kingdom, with many subordinates operating underneath the Satanic prince assigned.
    • Against Powers (literal authorities) 
This refers to the realms of authority that the rulers operate in. For instance the realm of authority of the prince of Persia in Dan. 10:13 was the kingdom of Persia.

Another way to look at this is the realms these spirits have a legal right to work in. If the Christians are being submissive to the earthly rulers representing their heavenly counterparts, the evil spirits don’t have a legal right to touch them. But if they disobey, the spirits can then legally come against the Christians. Thus we find James, Peter and Paul exhorting to first be submissive to God and authority (Eph. 5:22-24; 6:1,5,10; 1 Peter 2:11-15, 4:12, 5:9), before we wage warfare against the evil spirits. Why should the rebel Satan submit to me if I’m in rebellion? Even in speaking of higher angelic majesties, the Christians were warned not to rail but be respectful (2 Peter 2:10-11; Jude 9-10).It’s important to remember that even when the apostles disobeyed the earthly authorities it was in a submissive spirit. Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin, forbidden to preach the gospel (Acts. 5:29-42). They rightly said, “We must obey God rather than men’ when God’s law dictated. But they submissively received the punishment they underwent for that decision.From firsthand experience Peter gives us insight in his first epistle. He commands submission whenever you touch human authority, government, employment (1 Peter 2: 14-18), family (1 Peter 3:1-7), church (1 Peter 5:1-6), but he also releases insight to what is happening behind the scenes.

He contrasts suffering for disobedience with suffering for obedience (1 Peter 2:19-20). Even when obeying and submitting to earthly authorities, the spirits will stir them up to opposition causing us to suffer. At that point, we’re following Jesus (1 Peter 2:21 – 23). For every blow, act of mistreatment, drop of blood they caused to spill, they were destroying their own kingdom. In such times the Spirit of Glory and of God rests upon us (1 Peter 4:14). He releases new angels to come and assist us in the battle and the powers of darkness lose again (Matt. 4:11; Luke 22:43-44). Suffering submissively is a powerful weapon in taking ground from the enemy’s camp.

But on the other hand, if we walk in rebellion and disobedience to earthly authority, we give an open door to the kingdom of darkness, to bring judgment against us and bring suffering (Rom. 13:2). Thus Peter’s admonition, ‘For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.” (1 Peter 3:1)

Thus, it is as we submit to God, that we then can resist the devil and he will flee from us. One can think he’s getting somewhere by casting a few minor demons out in Jesus’ name while he or she is living a life of lawlessness and rebellion, but Jesus warned, “Many would come to me on that day saying ‘…didn’t we cast out demons in your name?’ And He will say to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’” (Matt. 7:21-23) It is as we submit to Him in the intimacy and love of the Bride of Christ that He causes us to become the victorious army. Paul pictured the Bride of Christ followed by the warfare of the army (Eph. 5:22-33; Eph. 6:10-18).

This illustrates the importance of recognizing the earthly counterpart to the satanic princely realm. We saw earlier that behind the human prince of Tyre in Ezek. 28:2 was the angelic king of Tyre in v. 12. This explains why in several places the phrase ‘principalities and powers’ refers to the earthly rulers (Tit. 3:1; Rom. 13:1), whereas in other places it refers to the Satanic forces behind those earthly powers (Eph. 6:12; 1 Cor. 2:6-8). We are to be submissive to the earthly rulers but are to resist their counterparts in the heavenlies. Our kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36).

Paul also spoke of Jesus delivering us from the ‘authority of darkness’ (Col. 1:13). Demons have legal right to operate in the realm of darkness. But when a person comes to the light, exposes his darkness, and continues to walk in the light, the demons lose their authority. The Satanic locusts in Revelation have a limited realm of authority for five months. There are set times and bounds in which they can afflict (Rev. 9:3-11). Always remember, that only God is omnipotent.

    • Against the World – Rulers of the Darkness of this Age

World rulers mean those who dominated by force and strength in this world system, behind the scenes during this current age. This is a picture of Satan’s ‘SS’, the spiritual ‘Gestapo’, controlling the other demons and angels with fear, torture and force, the heinous henchmen of our adversary (Eph. 6:12).

    • Against the Spiritual Hosts of Evil in the Heavenlies

This is a picture of the countless thousands of foot soldiers that are under the control of Satan, his fallen angelic princes and his world dominators. This is a picture of the many demons and lower angels assigned to individuals, families, neighborhoods and cities in the satanic hierarchy (Eph. 6:12; 2 Cor. 10:3-6).

The Spiritual War

Paul explained to the Corinthians that we don’t war according to the flesh. We’re not to fight with fists and guns, but with spiritual weapons. Once the demons are out of a person, the main realm of warfare will be the mind. Old ways of thinking that have become strongholds, reasonings that seem logical but are rooted in pride and self, every high thing exalting itself over knowing God. Thus we are to take every thought captive.

Capture them on the way in as a guard would examine someone coming into a walled city. Find out their place of origin – do they acknowledge Jesus, are they sent to glorify God, are they according to Scripture, do they promote self or Christ, do they further Christ’s kingdom or hinder. If they’re sent from the enemy, bring them to Jesus for Him to deal with.

Paul closes with this statement, “And we’re ready to punish all disobedience whenever your obedience is complete.” Many believers are living in compromised lived in both kingdoms now so that if punishment were exercises on the spirits in the way Paul spoke of, they would come under serious judgment. This time is soon to come. It behooves each of us to fully walk in the light and make no provision for the flesh and darkness (Rom. 13:11-14).

How to Stay Free

The offensive way to stay free of Satan’s snares was to practice forgiveness regularly (2 Cor. 2:6-11; Col. 3:13), walk in humility as a servant (1 Pet. 5:5-9), overcome evil by doing good (Rom. 12:21), focus your thoughts on the things of God and Christ, on the things that are holy and edifying (Col. 3:1-2; Phil. 4:8-9), and live an obedient life (Tit. 3:1-3; Rom. 13:1-2).

Consistent praise, prayer, rejoicing and thankfulness enable the faith shield to be steady (Phil. 4:4-7; 1 Thess. 5:16-18; Heb. 13:15;). The armor of God – the girdle of truth, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, shield of faith, shoes of the gospel of peace (Eph. 6:13-18) – has been consistently shown to protect your front side, but not your back. We are never to run from the enemy. He pictures two weapons there – the spoken word of God in combat with personal attacks and the “weapon of all- prayer” as Wesley called it. This enables us to go on the offensive all over the world led by our guide, the Holy Spirit. Paul also spoke of the armor of light (Rom. 13:12). Simply walking in the open light with Christ and the Body of Christ is one of the greatest defenses against demon activity (1 John 1:7).

Warnings on Continued Watchfulness

That the enemy could regain ground if due vigilance was not exercised is repeated throughout the New Testament by Jesus and the Apostles. Jesus warned of the unclean spirit returning to his former house and finding it neat but empty, then reentering with seven others more wicked than himself — a clear warning not only to get demons out but to have them replaced with the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the virtues of Jesus (Matt. 12:43-45).

Paul spoke of the Galatians being bewitched by legalism (Gal. 3:1). Regarding this he spoke to the Romans of a spirit of bondage leading to fear again (Rom. 8:15) and of being in bondage to the elemental spirits of the world to the Galatians and Colossians (Gal. 4:3; Col. 2:20 RSV), these legalistic spirits resulted in the fruit of sinful patterns reemerging (Gal. 5:19-21; Col. 3:5-9).

Again he warned of deceitful, seducing spirits coming with doctrines of demons to accuse believers to depart from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1-3). He also warned the Corinthians against receiving a different spirit or a different Jesus than they had originally received (2 Cor. 11:2-4, 19-20). James spoke of believers having bitter envy and self-seeking in their hearts. He said this wisdom was demonic in its source (Jam. 3:14-15).

John spoke of the spirit of antichrist that would try to lead them away from Christ (1 John 2:18-24; 4:1-3).

Each of these illustrate the fact that beginning is not enough. We must, as Peter said in 1 Peter 5:8 – ‘Be sober, be watchful, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

In short, demons have authority to operate in the realm of darkness. Once delivered of demons, if Christians go back to walking in the darkness of sinful patterns, they open themselves again to demons having legal access to their lives.

The call of the Apostles was ‘stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage’ (Gal. 5:1). Once a person is set free, he is to stay free by putting into practice the life of the Son of God.

The letters then, in a very practical way, teach us how to occupy the land we have taken from Satan through our Lord Jesus and see it bear fruit for God. Each of us then becomes a soldier in His army, participating in His Love and bringing many others from the ‘authority of darkness to the Kingdom of God’s beloved Son’ (Col. 1:13).

The Power of the Lamb: Overcoming in Revelation

  • The Lamb’s Victory over Satan

We come to the end of Scripture with one of the strongest and most encouraging pictures of victory in the entire Bible: the Lamb’s final victory over Satan. Regarding demons in Revelation we can see several key areas that continue to be emphasized in the early church understanding of demons.

    1. Demons were worshipped in the guise of idols – Rev. 9:20.
    2. Pagan religions were manifestations of Satan – Rev. 2:13.
    3. False teachings were inspired by Satan – Rev. 2:24.
    4. The Devil motivated the persecution and martyrdom of the Christians – Rev. 2:10.
    5. Satan was the ruler behind the scenes for the antichrist – Rev. 13:1-14; 19:19.
    6. Demons were released to torment men – Rev. 9:2-11.
    7. Demons were behind war – Rev. 16:13-14.
    8. Demons had filled the religious and political system called Babylon- Rev. 18:2. A type of the World System organized independent of God with Satan at its head.

  • The Power of the Blood

What caused Satan, the fallen angels and the demons to be overcome is found in Rev. 12:11 ‘And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.’ It is first all the blood of Jesus Christ shed for our sins in his atoning death of Calvary. This is the blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel (Heb. 12:24). It cries for mercy for us, not judgment. It is by His blood that we have been redeemed from Satan (Eph. 1:7; Psa. 106:10). It is by His blood that our sins have been for-given, thereby removing Satan’s base of accusation (Eph. 1:7; Col. 2:13)It is by His blood that we have been justified (Rom. 5:9; 14), as Derek Prince says, ‘Made ‘just as-if-I’d-never sinned.’” It is by His blood that we have been sanctified, made holy, set apart to God (Heb. 13:12). It is by His blood that heaven has been opened, the very throne of the Father, for us to come and have intimate fellowship with Him (Heb. 9:22-24; 10: 19-22).

  • The Word of Testimony

Secondly, it is the word of our testimony. The word for witness is ‘martyros’ in Greek, from which we get the word, martyr. It implied being one who will testify of Christ, His Word, His Blood, even if it cost him his life. The example in Revelation was Antipas known as, ‘My faithful martyr’ (Rev. 2:13). John the Baptist was such a witness (Mark 6:14-29). Stephen was such a witness (Acts 7:54-60). All of the apostles were such witnesses (John 21: 18-19; 2 Tim. 4:6-8). Paul spoke of the word of God as the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17). It is when the believer courageously speaks his faith that the powers of darkness are pushed back.

  • Not Loving Our Lives unto Death

Thirdly, it is not loving our lives, even unto death. Closely linked with the first two points, we find a most necessary prerequisite in spiritual soldiers – the willingness to die. When Jesus spoke of the coming of the Holy Spirit, He said, ‘You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses.’ (martyr-witness, witnesses unto death – Acts 1:8). The power to be a witness living the life of a martyr-witness enable the early church to so quickly expand and de-throne the demonic strongholds (Acts 8:1-8). The writer of Hebrews had spoken of Jesus releasing those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage (Heb. 2:14-15). Once a man considers himself dead with Christ, he is truly free. Paul said, ‘I die daily’ (1 Cor. 15:31). He said he didn’t count his life as dear to himself (Acts 20:24). This is the way of the Lamb lived out in His church.It is especially the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus that precipitated the destruction of Babylon (Rev. 17:6, 24). From this we see that the blood of the Lamb that speaks in heaven also flows through His Body on the earth.

When a martyr is slain, it is Jesus’ blood that is flowing afresh. The judgments of God are loosed against the demons whenever they cause a saint to die. God’s weapons are the disciples fully yielded to the Holy Spirit, with no other agenda than doing the will of Jesus.


In conclusion, we find this is a book in the making that already has an ending. Satan has been judged (John 16:11). His ending is the lake of fire along with all his legions (Rev. 20:10, 14-15; Matt. 25:40-41). The submissive bride becomes part of the victorious Army to return ultimately with the Lamb/Lion of God, where He sets up His never-ending Kingdom Glory be to God and to the Lamb forever.


James W. Goll