What is the Word of the Lord for the New Year? Is there Fresh Bread coming down from Heaven today?
What is the Holy Spirit been speaking to you about, James Goll? I am asked these questions very often. But sometimes I need to push the pause button first and ask people if they are seeking God directly. Are they praying over the Word of God on a daily basis and asking the Holy Spirit to give them revelation?I have been taught to store up the written Word of God in my heart and soul to give the wind of God, the breath of God, the Holy Spirit, something to breathe upon and out of which to create a revelatory spoken word. So before I give you some of the Fresh Hot Bread that the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me in recent months, I want to first give you a part of the Written Word of God available to each one of us on a daily basis.
Three Clear Foundational Scriptures
First of all from Matthew 6:11, Jesus taught His disciples to pray (are you one of His disciples?), “Give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus did not say, “My Word for the Year or even my weekly precious promise or weekly scripture.” Jesus taught His disciples to pray for and expect from Papa God to receive their daily bread.
Secondly, we find in the Book of Exodus the amazing lessons of how God fed the children of Israel in the time of their wilderness wanderings. Exodus 16:4 describes, “Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go our and gather a day’s portion every day.” Amazing, isn’t it? God fed them manna from heaven one day at a time! I wonder if there is a principle that in both the Old and the New Testament going on here?
Thirdly, once again in the Book of Exodus we have the priestly instructions given to us concerning the Bread of His Presence. In Exodus 25:30 God instructs the priests, “You shall set the bread of the Presence on the table before Me at all times.” Not only are we to expect to receive a portion of God’s bread every day, but the priests were instructed to set before the Lord an offering of bread regularly as well! Interesting indeed! Daily Bread!
With this in mind, let me now share with you some of the recent God Encounters of Fresh Bread from Heaven which I have received in recent weeks and days.
Five Clear Prophetic Encounters
1. My Word Is Alive and Active – Hebrews 4:12
Recently, while in my own home, I was conversing with the Vice President of my ministry’s Board of Directors. Suddenly the atmosphere in my living room shifted and a pillar of fire appeared from the floor to the ceiling. As I approached to possibly touch this vibrant substance, a voice spoke to me out of the visitation. “My Word is alive and active.” I backed off in shock, but then approached the manifested vision a second time. Again the voice of the Lord spoke to me from out of this amber glowing circular appearance. “My Word is alive and active.” I saw a spiraling staircase ascending from the bottom to the top of this pillar. Then the voice spoke to me a third time. I was stunned and wondered what it was that I had encountered.
About three days later, the Holy Spirit drew me once again. He shared with me that the staircase that I had seen was an aspect of a GOD DNA molecule. Everywhere God is there is life. Everywhere God’s Word is declared there is life. Hebrews 4:12 states, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Again, the Written Word and the Revelatory Word are not in competition but in Divine Order!
2. The Season of the Suddenlies – Malachi 3:1
A Second Clear Point is that we have entered into Days of Acceleration and “A Time of the Suddenlies.” I was given a dream encounter where I was climbing a hill and getting tired and weary. Finally I made it to the top of the Mountain at the time of the rising of the sun, when the sky was electrified with a glorious display of His Presence. The weariness of working so hard dissipated as I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say, “You have entered into the Times of the Suddenlies.”
Later I gained more understanding as the following phrase leapt into my comprehension. “When the fullness of preparation meets the fullness of time it results in the Time of the Suddenlies.” It is like a woman giving birth to a child. There are long months of formation followed by uncomfortable times of stretching. Right when the expectant mother often feels she cannot carry the child any longer, suddenly transition kicks into gear and the greatly desired birth appears. We are entering into “A Time of the Suddenlies” when suddenly…God will come to visit His temple!
3. Out of Chaos Comes Order!
On a personal level, I was going through a rather stressful time recently and being tested on many fronts all at the same time. I was facing trials in the ministry, tensions in key relationships, governing principles being tested, and the continuing pain issues with the sciatic nerve throbbing down my left leg and foot. It was all hitting me at the same time and I was getting rather distressed from it all. Things seemed to be spiraling into an “overwhelming zone.” Then suddenly, right at the end of the year, by the mercy of God, I had yet another God Encounter.
I was having a dark oppressive dream filled with dark colors and then suddenly I was awakened by the external audible voice of the Lord. I awoke hearing one word: “ORDER!” The room was filled with heavenly peace. Later that day as I was praying into this encounter, divine intelligence was granted to me and I saw words on a ticker tape going thru my mind. I read, “Where there is chaos, I will bring Divine Order.” So I have a word of encouragement for some of you out there. If you are temporarily experience a time of chaos, He will bring Order out of Chaos! Then Kingdom of God of righteousness, peace and joy has the final say!
4. Presence Deliverance
Since the first of the year, I have had an increase in dramatic dreams from the Holy Spirit. One night recently, I had three dreams that were filled with the energy of heaven. In one dream, I was in a multicultural church setting and the church had the name “Temple” in it. The high praises of God broke out and the place was saturated with Thanksgiving, Gratitude and High Praise! In this environment, something amazing happened. There was a breakthrough point where the glorious presence of God was squeezing out generational darkness that was hovering upon some of the people’s lives.
Suddenly shrieks and shouts could be heard as God’s people were being healed and delivered without anyone laying hands on anyone. It is stunning! God’s presence was displacing and pushing out demonic spirit of bondage. So many people were being set free from the powers of darkness, as God inhabited the praises of His people. I woke up out of this electric dream and the word of the Lord was impressed upon me: “Presence Deliverance!” There is coming an increase in presence healing and especially Presence Deliverance where the Holy Spirit shoves out demonic influences and people are instantly set free. Amen and Amen!
5. The Year of the Watchman – Ezekiel 33:33
On the Day of Atonement, Wednesday, September 19th, 2018, I spent the day waiting on the Lord. I consecrated myself yet again unto the Lord and His purposes, and I received the Lord’s Supper. I had prayed quietly much of the day with no sign of anything unusual happening. As this special Holy Day came to an end and I was in my Upper Room, things changed. The sweet presence of the Lord drew near. This was not the thundering voice of God, in fact, it seemed that it took a greater intimacy to even perceive the word that He was conveying.
The sensitive dove of God drew near and my heart was being warmed yet again. I heard the quiet voice of the Lord state, “This is the Year of the Watchmen. My Word is found in Ezekiel 33. Indeed my Word for you is found in Ezekiel 33:33.” I pondered on this and I mused; “Now I know what is in Ezekiel chapters 1 and 2 and 37 and 44. But what is there in Ezekiel 33? Is there in fact a verse Ezekiel 33:33? I opened my Bible and once again was delighted to see that the entire chapter of Ezekiel 33 is about the ministry of the Watchman. I pondered on how one year ago I had released the book, The Lifestyle of a Watchman. I then read further and to my delight that last verse of the chapter was verse 33. It reads, “So when it comes to pass—as surely it will—then they will know that a prophet has been in their midst.”
A shift is on. As the global prayer and prophetic movements come into greater maturity, the world, not just the church, is going to know that prophets are once again in our midst!
Extra Closing Point: God Has the Harvest on His Mind
These are the days of the rebirthing of the Evangelist. As Billy Graham graduated into heaven, a mantle for the evangelist has fallen. This mantle is not one that has descended on just one man or one woman, but it is rather a calling of grace from God granted to an entire generation. There is an influx of souls beginning to come into the Kingdom of God around the world unlike anything we have seen in the body of Christ for 50 years.
Yes, it is time for Prophetic Evangelism outside the four walls of the church. Power encounters in the streets, miracles in the marketplace, and prophetic revelation released in a relational context will become daily experiences. Why? God Has the Harvest on His Mind!