Thursday, January 9, 2020

20 Prophetic Points for 2020

As we enter the year of 2020, clear 20 – 20 vision is vitally important both in the natural and in the spiritual.

This requires insight from the Spirit of God and the Word of God revealing the Heart of God. It is neither “near sighted” nor “far sighted”; nor is it “night blindness.

Clarity of sight comes from equal deposits of the Word of God and the Spirit of God, combined with hands on experience.

3 Verses for 2020

2 Chronicles 20:2 – “They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, put your trust in the Lord your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed.”

John 20:20b – “The disciples then rejoiced when they saw the Lord.”

Acts 20:20 – “I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that which was profitable and teaching you publicly and from house to house.”

20 Prophetic Points for 2020

With clarity of insight from the Word and Spirit, here are 20 prophetic points to pray over and activate in your life this year:

1) We will See the Fulfillment of a Previous Generation’s Prophetic Words.

2) We will See a true prophetic Caleb Company arise who give the Good News report when the world espouses an evil, negative narrative.

3) We will See Crisis Intercession Arise like in the days of Esther.

4) We will See the restoration of Faith as both a gift and a fruit, and as each believer’s portion.

5) We will See an increase of Healing and Miracles through presence saturated worship.

6) We will See old disappointments replaced by fresh vision of a New Era.

7) We will See Integrity restored as a jewel in the Bridal garment.

8) We will See the convergence of Character, Compassion and Power resulting in the fruit of our works matching our faith.

9) We will See Safe Places emerge where unchurched Christians will feel at home.

10) We will See an Adoption Movement embraced as a key component in the Pro-Life Movement.

11) We will See a Divide in the historic church on the Issues of Moral Purity.

12) We will See governmental leaders calling for Sacred Assemblies to call on the name of the Lord to heal our land.

13) We will See a detoxing of Escapism and Fear in our End Time theology.

14) We will See an explosion of Creative Entrepreneurship releasing new disruptive technology and inventions resulting in new jobs and diverse income streams.

15) We will See the First Fruits of the Great Harvest as International Influencers turn to Christ.

16) We will See a Shift from the “Come Here” mentality to the “Go Therefore” mandate.

17) We will See that Prophetic Evangelism is for the many and not just the few.

18) We will See the Beginning of the Third Great Awakening.

19) We will See the beginning of the Great Harvest.

20) We will See the beginning of the Greatest Show on Earth.

Now Become the Word

We each see in part and know in part.

I encourage you to take these 20 prophetic points for 2020 before the Lord and ask Him how you can partner with Him in these areas this year!

Let’s change our lens and join the emerging Caleb Generation who see their enemies as grasshoppers in their own sight!

It’s time for us to see clearly! Amen and Amen!

A Watchman on the Walls,

James W. Goll