If ever there was a time to stand up and BE the church, that time is now!
YOU are the Ekklesia (or church) of God!
I feel compelled to share with you (and invite you) to join a powerful God-breathed movement called Ekklesia Everywhere.
I am partnering with Ed Silvoso and other national and international leaders including: Bishop Bill Hamon, Cindy Jacobs, Rick Joyner, Bill Johnson, Chuck Pierce, Matteo Calisi, Mike Bickle, David Demien, Wesley and Stacey Campbell and others to raise up 1 million Ekklesias by September 5th to change the spiritual climate over the United States of America.
I believe you will want to join me, so you can go to the EkklesiaEverywhere.com website and sign up your Ekklesia now.
But first, please allow me to give you a little background…
What is Ekklesia Everywhere?
An Ekklesia, the Greek word translated “church” in our Bible, consists of two or more people—a family or household—gathered around the Manifest Presence of Jesus to pray prayers the Father is waiting to answer for His will to be done in their spheres of influence.
This is the key for changing the spiritual climate over our nation (and the nations of the earth).
Never in our lifetimes has the socio-political climate been so toxic.
BUT, the Church, the Ekklesia, is the only institution with a branch in every neighborhood that, once activated, could have a transformation agent on every block.
To that end, the dedicated website (https://EkklesiaEverywhere.com) has been created.
It is headlined by a video that presents three simple commitments to register your Ekklesia:
- I realize that I am the Ekklesia 24/7 wherever I go according to Matthew 16:18-19.
- I will dedicate my home/workplace/school as a dwelling place for the Ekklesia according to Revelation 3:20-21.
- I will pray daily for 10 people or neighbors according to Luke 10:5-9.
Where Have We Been?
Speaking particularly of the United States of America (though this could be applied to many nations on earth), the overall spiritual climate is permeated with skepticism, fear, politicism, and agitation.
It has been difficult to engage in any kind of discussion because the atmosphere is so charged. We must move beyond pithy social media one-liners and actually SHIFT the spiritual atmosphere of our cities and nation.
Scripture says that the wheat and the tares will grow up together. Even as evil increases on the earth, the church’s light will shine ever brighter.
Now it is time to rise up, take a stand, and be the church in order to shift the spiritual climate.
The Micro-Burst Is Birthing the Micro-Church
Last week I shared a Prophetic Vision: “The Micro-burst Is Birthing the Micro-Church” that has continued to grip me with the fear of the Lord.
Here is a quick recap…
In the vision, I saw three men sitting on a platform together.
Suddenly, a wind from heaven blew straight down upon the three apostles. It blew them out of their chairs, and they were left standing. And stand they did.
Then, the force of the Heaven-sent wind shifted directions and it came from them. This is important to note.
As they stood in alignment and agreement with what the Holy Spirit was doing, a combustion of energy blew from them out to the people. It was a fresh apostolic movement.
The voice of the Lord came to me declaring, “The Micro-burst is birthing the micro-church. The key in this hour is 2’s and 3’s. Yes, 2 and 3 being brought together into agreement. You can volunteer to be that three cord strand that creates a flow from the throne of God. Receive the micro-burst to birth the micro-church.”
One of the three men that I saw in the vision was Ed Silvoso, whom the Lord has chosen to birth Ekklesia Everywhere, which is certainly one form of the micro-churches the Lord told me he was birthing.
Prophetic Background to Ekklesia Everywhere
Recently Ed shared two encounters he has had recently which gripped Him and motivated Him to start Ekklesia Everywhere.
On June 27, 2020, Ed received this warning from the Lord: “There are 90 days for the church to get in the public square. If it doesn’t, the nation that you knew will no longer exist. Whoever is there will determine the future of this nation.”
2 years prior, in another country, the Lord woke Ed up early in the morning and said, “Ed, I’m growing impatient with my leaders, because everything they ask me, I give it to them. Bigger churches, bigger anointing, bigger ministries, bigger businesses. But they are not asking me what I want to give them.” So Ed asked, “What is it Lord?” And the Lord replied, “I want them to ask me for nations. I want nations. I want the 7 mountains. I want the marketplace. And if they don’t do it, I’m going to allow something dramatic to happen.”
Ed made it clear that he is NOT saying that these two messages are in any way related.
But it is clear that the Lord issued to Ed both a warning and an invitation that is applicable to ALL of us.
- As a member of the Church (or Ekklesia), are you willing to get in the public square? Then do it!
- What is God wanting you to ask Him for? Ask Him now!
How to Join Ekklesia Everywhere
To become part of Ekklesia Everywhere:
- Go to: https://EkklesiaEverywhere.com.
- Listen to the Introductory Video.
- Click on the “Register Your Ekklesia” button.
- If you desire, click to join the Facebook group. (Facebook EkklesiaEverywhere)
- Sign up for the Weekly Recap if you want to receive weekly devotionals, testimonies, family equipping tools, and spiritual wisdom regarding current events.
I hope you will join me, along with all the leaders I mentioned above, in signing up YOUR Ekklesia.
But more importantly, I pray that you will BE the Ekklesia, inviting His manifest Presence into every sphere to which he has called you!
Together, let’s jumpstart this massive movement.
The situation is critical. Time is of the essence.
But Jesus’ Ekklesia (YOU) were born for such a time as this!