There are three significant prophetic words I have received in the past several years which are now entering their fulfillment: 1. Deepening Polarization, 2. Open Conflict of Thrones, and 3. Third Supreme Court Appointee.
Though the ways and means by which I release prophetic utterances at times can vary, I felt it was important to bring these forward again now so that you can partner with the heart of God in calling forth His purposes on the earth!
God is looking for those who will stand in the gap for the nations of the earth. I pray that you will join me by standing in repentance and calling forth His prophetic promises.
The Days of the Great Divide
We are living in Days of the Great Divide and Times of Extreme Polarity.
Over the past 3 to 4 years, I have written about this at various times and spoken about it in in different places and diverse ways.
I have been warned that the United States and other nations would experience a time of going through a tug of war in the open public.
In the United States, we have not endured a time such as this since the 1960’s with the sexual and drug revolution along with the free speech and civil rights movement, riots, protests, campus unrest, unpopular involvement in wars on foreign soils, and a society that appeared to be on the brink of being torn apart.
What we are going through today with the global pandemic of fear, the COVID-19 crisis, economic shakings, the racial tensions, protest and riots, political polarity and so much more, is a boiling caldron in comparison.
We are now in the midst of the Time of the Great Divide or the Time of Extreme Polarity.
Yes, there are great things happening as well, and as believers, we declare that this darkness is a temporary backdrop to prepare the way for a greatest harvest the church and the world has ever known.
Where Has Your Voice Been?
Many people have been asking me, “Where has your prophetic voice been?”
At times, the strength of my prophetic voice does not come across with the thunder of a John the Baptist in my attempt to prepare the way or equip the masses. I have attempted to place my prophetic warnings in the midst of prophetic teachings to help bring some realm of balance.
Perhaps that balance has muted the full-volume of my trumpet sound.
Part of my dilemma is that I use multiple tools to say what I say.
I say a little here and a little there. I might proclaim something on my weekly God Encounters Today podcast or on my INSIGHT social media broadcast, but not get it written up in my blog or article format style.
I might preach it on the road, but not record it to bring it back home. So often, I do not have a personal record of everything directly myself!
Additionally, I do not feel called to declare everything that I see and hear. I am an intercessor first. I pray these revelations first back to the Lord and most of what I receive does not even make it into the public arena. I know that is different. But that is who I am.
I am one who has learned to acknowledge the negative, but I have learned to keep on looking for the redemptive perspective. While this is needed and can be filled with wisdom, it can also dull the prophetic edge at times.
But I have made an overt decision not to partner with the demonic spirit of fear that so many seem to do today.
I have determined to see the valley of dry bones (see Ezekiel 37:1-10) and then declare life to the broken, fragmented structures. I have determined to call forth the remedy.
With this in mind, here is a quick overview of three significant prophetic words I am on record as stating in recent times.
1. Deepening Polarization
In a prophetic word I released in October of 2019, I stated, there is a deepening polarization taking place in society that will not be healed quickly—in fact, things are going to heat up even more.
On the Day of Atonement this past September, I was shown a boiling caldron of escalating violence that went past what we experienced in the 1960’s. I was warned that there would be an increase of gang violence including a huge arsenal of munitions that would be distributed within the nation(s) by a devilish sinister plot to create disorder and chaos and senseless crimes.
I saw multiple mass shootings-taking place in different cities around the world like what occurred in Las Vegas, Nevada.
I was also shown gun raids where Federal agents in the U. S would confiscate massive arsenals. The Holy Spirit called this deepening polarization, “The Time of the Great Divide.”
Now this prophetic point requires the response of intercession and spiritual warfare to expose the spirit of violence resulting in riots, division and polarization.
The words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 are just as true today as the day in which they were originally written. “If My people, who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
God is never taken by surprise. He is not in Heaven with sweaty palms and God is not wringing His hands in a nervous frenzy.
In fact, according to Job 36:32, “He covers His hands with lightening (glory) and commands it to strike the mark.”
Darkness is but an excellent backdrop for the times when the light shines brightest.
2. Open Conflict of Thrones
In a word for 5780 & Beyond, I listed out 8 Prophetic Proclamations. The following quotes are directly taken from that prophetic article.
“Out of a season where there is the open Conflict of Thrones resulting in Chaos and Confusion, the enemy will over play his hand.
“God will use this backdrop to have the final word. This has ramifications on many fronts from family to government.
“Out of need, there will be a movement of unity where there will be citywide, state or provincial, and national gatherings to seek the face of the Lord. There will be more public rallies of repentance and prayer combined with the call to “GO therefore” over the next three years and beyond than in any previous time in church history.”
3. Third Supreme Court Appointee
Yes, I was given words as far back as 2017 that President Trump was chosen to appoint three Supreme Court Justices to the Highest Court.
In June of 2018, I was given a very clear encounter where the voice of the Lord came to me stating that there would be another “tremor or shaking in the land” resulting in yet another surprise that would transpire in the Supreme Court. I then heard, “I have a Debra waiting in the Wings. This Debra will be appointed and will tip the scales of towards constitutional justice.”
In later experiences, the word came to me in the following way, “I have chosen President Trump to appoint three Supreme Court Judges. The third one will be a modern-day Esther who will tip the court towards true constitutional conservatism for many years.”
It is extremely interesting to note, that Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg, a Jewish woman, departed from this life on the first day of the New Jewish Year of 5781, and that Amy Barrett as appointed during the Ten Days of Awe.
We are in tumultuous times. We are in the Times of the Great Divide.
The only thing that will heal this great polarity is a culture of honor. The only answer is another Great Awakening.
We must keep a Redemptive Interpretation in front of us or we will succumb and lose hope our ourselves. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we must remember the name of the Lord our God.
My trust is not in a political party or ultimately in any form of civil government.
My trust is in the One who sits upon the throne—His name is Jesus.
The words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 are just as true today as the day in which they were originally written. “If My people, who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Amen and Amen!