It is vital to welcome the Holy Spirit into your every day life! He is the One who connects us to heaven.
Without Him, not even Jesus could have known what the Father wanted Him to say or to do. (See John 5:19.)
Oh, how I love the Holy Spirit! He makes Jesus real! He makes the Father enjoyable! I roll out the red carpet to this precious Dove of God every day.
I say, “Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!” In fact, pause, and declare this right now along with me. “Holy Spirit, You are so desperately needed and You are so very welcome here, right now!”
If you want to know God, you absolutely must get to know the Holy Spirit, who works tirelessly to connect heaven and earth.
Getting to Know Holy Spirit
One of the dimensions of the Holy Spirit described in the Scriptures is the “Spirit of Knowledge,” which means that He is the Spirit of knowing and of being known.
In other words, the Spirit has been given to us to make God known and to make Him knowable. In fact, as our “Helper” one of the primary functions of the Holy Spirit is assist us in “Getting to Know God.”
Our Father God is approachable, but without the Holy Spirit’s help, we tend to get a warped view of Him.
Perhaps we are afraid because of our old sin nature.
But we can approach God without trepidation when we are in Christ (see Hebrews 4:15–16), having the Holy Spirit as our Helper, because the Spirit is our Comforter, or Paraclete (from the Greek paráklētos, “close-beside,” and “make a call,” like a legal advocate who makes the right judgment call, being close to the situation).
The Spirit is our advocate and encourager.
Isaiah noted that the Messiah would be filled with the Spirit of God, and the prophet expanded on what kind of Spirit this would be: The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11:2 NASB)
It’s All About a Relationship
The Holy Spirit had an intimate relationship with the Messiah, Yeshua, during His ministry on earth. Jesus humbled Himself, becoming entirely dependent upon the Holy Spirit in order to do and say only those things that would please the Father.
Just think about His life.
Jesus was conceived and born of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit led Him. The Spirit anointed Him for His ministry at His baptism.
Everything Jesus did, from resisting temptation in the wilderness to raising the dead, He did by the guidance and power of the Spirit.
He offered Himself as a sacrifice by the Spirit. He was raised from the dead by the power of the Spirit.
So that His followers could truly follow in His footsteps, Jesus was faithful to send His Spirit to them on the day of Pentecost (and to everyone since that time who has believed in Him, stepping into faith and becoming a child of God).
Because Jesus has bestowed the Holy Spirit on those who believe, we can have the Spirit of Knowledge, the Comforter, the Advocate as close to us as our next breath, and He will help us to know God daily. (See John 15:26.)
Nobody will ever force you into a relationship with God, not even God Himself, although the Holy Spirit is the One who brings God’s righteousness to bear on people.
His methods, while persuasive and effective, are never coercive. He is the Helper and Caretaker, not a tyrant or a patrol cop.
Most of His endeavors can be characterized by action verbs. He indwells, He fills, He frees, He equips, He transforms, He convicts, He assures, He inspires, He guides and directs, He regenerates—and He resurrects. That’s a lot!
You don’t have to wait until something happens spiritually before responding to the Holy Spirit.
It is OK to seek Him out in order to instigate action. He likes it when you pursue Him. Think of the way Jesus responded to the centurion in Luke 7:1–10. Yes, God loves passionate pursuers!
Give Him Liberty!
Give the Holy Spirit the freedom and liberty to give you freedom and liberty. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emancipation from bondage, freedom).” (See II Corinthians 3:17 AMP.)
The Holy Spirit never leads you into bondage, but always brings you into freedom. I think I can hear those chains falling off right now!
The often-quiet Holy Spirit is not a retiring Spirit—He is an activist. He is the dynamic power that Jesus promised to the church before Pentecost.
He executes the purposes and plans of the Godhead.
As the One who carries out God’s purposes—His creativity, inspiration, conviction, regeneration, generosity, enlightenment, sanctification, and much more—He is always working. (See John 5:17.)
Simply by paying attention to what He is doing and by cooperating with Him, we come to understand God better.
He might be working behind the scenes and He might be bursting forth with a flame of fire with a mighty display of power.
But know this, the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of God and where He is welcomed, He has all the more liberty to do the Father’s good pleasure.
Holy Spirit, You are so very welcome right here, right now!
For the Glory of God!
James W. Goll
God Encounters Ministries
This article has been adapted from Day 2: “Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here!” in the Tongues of Fire Devotional: 50 Days Celebrating Pentecost by James W. Goll and others.