Hearing God’s voice today is a very natural act, but it requires the activity of a supernatural God.
Scripture is clear that there is a reward for waiting upon the Lord, but have you ever wondered if He is waiting upon you?“Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.” Isaiah 40:31
There is no automatic-pilot setting that guarantees that you will hear. One truth is that if you do nothing, you will receive nothing. But the seeming opposite is also true: When you least qualify and least expect it, God shows up!
While I emphasize that all good things come by grace, I also teach that we must add works to our faith to be effective (see James 2:26). These are two sides of the same coin.
Hearing God’s voice today includes some basic do’s and don’ts, but it is not about a list of deeds to be done out of religious obligation.
Hearing God’s life-changing voice is an amazing privilege based in a loving relationship with our heavenly Father. It is a delight and an honor, not a religious act built on some performance-based acceptance but rather an invitation into a deeper relationship.
Three Key Invitations
The revelation and practical keys found in Proverbs 8:32-35 has guided my life with Papa God for many years. They can also provide you with tools, as well, when it comes to this relational art form of communing with God and hearing His voice today.
“Now therefore, O sons, listen to me, for blessed are they who keep my ways. Heed instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.”
There are three great keys contained in this one great set of scriptures.
All three of these verbs are listed in an on-going active tense:
- Listening
- Watching
- Waiting
Some think these words represent a passive posture, but I disagree. The activity of listening, watching and waiting takes a lot of focus and attentiveness.
Gaze upon your beloved. Silence the beast of your mind that wants to flit all around!
Direct the posture of your heart into adoration and then you will be drawn into the very chamber room of His presence. As you draw nearer to Him, He will draw nearer to you and you will hear even His whisper!
In the Life of My Bride
One of my fondest memories of my time with Michal Ann happened in the last three months of her life on this side of heaven. I remember the early morning when, in her weakened state, we sat together in our rocking chairs on the front porch of our southern house, drinking organic green tea.
We said nothing the entire time; we just listened. “Just listened? To what?”
Oh, to the sounds of silence.
We listened to the morning dew glistening on the grass. We listened to the sun rising. We watched the rays of light melt away the fog on our pond at a distance down the hill.
This was her country way of living and this was her life. Listening, waiting and watching for the very movement of the dove of God.
As we sat there together in silence, instead of doves, we had over twenty hummingbirds come soaring in together to drink nectar from their favorite fountain that Michal Ann had their waiting for them. What a rare site. Maybe two or three at a time.
But that unusual morning while listening, waiting and watching in silence, over twenty some hummingbirds, her favorite of God’s little creatures, came to serenade us together. This is a memory I will always cherish.
A Vision of a Chess Board
Recently, I had to honor of speaking at Prayer on the Square in downtown Franklin, TN on a beautiful Sunday May evening. How delightful to join Bishop Marvin Young II, Papa Don Finto, Minstrel Michael Card and others in a public display of worship, prayer and praise. I was honored to be the key note speaker.
As I prepared for the event, pondering my assignment of “Prayer unto Revival,” I was given a vision of a chess board.
The Holy Spirit asked me a a few interactive questions. “Who is waiting on whom?”
I did not respond quickly to the question but rather remained in my posture of listening, waiting and watching.
His reasoning voice continued, “Are we waiting on God or is He waiting on us?”
As I remained in worship as continued to gaze upon the vision of chess board wondering what was about to happen, and urgency came upon me, followed by a stronger voice from the Lord. “It’s your move!”
I had more than my word for that evening for the Prayer on the Square, I had a now word for the Days in which we live. “It’s your move!”
While Waiting, Keep on Listening
So, yes, keep on listening. When you take time to shut the door and commune with God, you will hear wonderful words of life—wonderful words meant for you and you alone.
In order to hear God, you must use the key of being so focused on Him that everything else fades into the background.
As you ponder the lesson found in Mark 9:7-8 and you will understand exactly what I am talking about. “Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud, ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him!’”
Yes, take time to listen to Him because, “It’s Your Move!”
A Prayer to Sit at His Feet
Father, in Jesus’ great name, I thank You for graduate-level classes that are available for me in the School of the Spirit. Impart to me greater grace to enjoy these spiritual privileges. I count it an honor and blessing to be welcomed into Your presence; to sit at Your feet and listen to Your every word. Help me to be a good steward of these truths. Amen and Amen!