A Battle is being waged in society. It is one that affects every life whether we are aware of it or not. It is a battle of Fear versus Faith.
Who controls the New Cycle? There is a vomiting forth of news based on distorted information that is forced upon us on a daily basis. Problem is, this has been happening for more than a generation and now we are eating its fruit. Long ago, a Trojan Horse was allowed in our churches, government, educational institutions, news agencies, economic systems, and so much more.But it’s not too late. A clarion call is arising to turn the enemy away at the gates of our cities! A call to mount the wall of intercession is being released like never before. A Global Prayer Storm is mounting where faith matched by our works displaces darkness.
The Kingdom of God is speech-activated. As His Word is stored up in our hearts, we have an abundance of truth to proclaim with our mouths. Even in the face of fear, we can speak from the place of faith. We can proclaim, “Freedom!” in places where few even know the meaning of the word anymore. We can proclaim God’s extravagant mercy from the rooftops, declaring His Lordship over our cities and their people. According to Matthew 10:27, Jesus told His disciples, “What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!”
The Power of Proclamation
The voice of the Holy Spirit came to me saying, “Proclamation is the power switch that must be flipped in order to turn a room from darkness into light”. Proclamation carries power–even when the hearers are hostile. Jesus proclaimed the truth of redemption every time He declared, ascribed, and pronounced light to both the Jews and the Gentiles. Paul proclaimed the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom when he was arrested and taken before King Agrippa. You can release the power of proclamation as well.
The Proclamations of God’s victory are powerful, and that is why we find them throughout the Scriptures. Just like those who penned such proclamations, we must align our heart with God’s heart of victory, expressing our trust in His fatherly oversight even when the way ahead looks dark and foreboding. But when we are faced with the fiery darts of fear, we confront the assault of the enemy with the shield of faith, our measure of faith, a heart filled with the word of faith, and then out of the abundance of our heart our mouth proclaims words of faith.
There are various expressions that the Power of Proclamation may take.
- Proclamations of Victory
- Proclamations of Praise
- Proclamations of Blessing
- Proclamations of the Work of the Cross
- Proclamations of Prophetic Promises
From a position of victory, we release prayers of victory. We proclaim the all-sufficiency of our God and we draw heaven’s blessing down to earth, saying, “Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (See Matthew 6:10) We pray expecting God and His angels to break up the darkness with the brilliance of His glory. This is one of the ways that we wage war and win in the battle of fear versus faith.
Fear and Faith Both Speak
The Holy Spirit speaks and so do demonic spirits. Culture speaks and even the atmosphere surrounding us vies for our very attention. We are bombarded by an array of thoughts from a variety of opinions, philosophies, and angles on an ongoing basis. We must be on the alert and have our helmet of hope of salvation firmly in place.
Why? Remember, we are in a Battle of Fear versus Faith. Fear attempts to get us to back down by whispering questions, “What if?” But Faith motivates and inspires us by persistently nudging us with imprints of encouragement such as, “Even if!” Fear paralyzes a person and faith propels a believer forward. Fear makes molehills into mountains. Faith turns mountains into speed-bumps. It’s all about altitude. Your altitude will determine your perspective.
So let’s go on a Global Prayer Storm journey together where we turn the tables on the devil by displacing the darkness of fear through the power faith filled proclamations. Amen and Amen!