We have crossed over into a Hebrew New Year of 5783.
There is the civil calendar that we live in, and then there is the Hebrew calendar that we celebrate—but God’s calendar is the Hebrew calendar. Although many prophetic people will do a forecasting of things that are to come in the new year, looking at the Hebrew symbols and letters and things of that nature, I don’t tend to be one who interprets the lettering and the numbers, per se. Instead, out of my prophetic calling, I tend to lean into what the Holy Spirit is highlighting to me in scripture, God encounters, and particularly the dreams the Lord gives to me during this season.
In my newest book, Revival Breakthrough, in Chapter 10, the theme verse that comes from Jeremiah 33:3. It says, “Call to me and I will answer you. And I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know.” Now the James Goll amplified version would insert a word and say, “Call to me and I [God] will answer you. And I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not YET know” (because you’re going to know).
Three Words for the Hebrew Year 5783
And there’s a word I have for you right now.
In this new year, it is a time of being drawn into greater intimacy. Of course, in some ways this is true of every day and every year; but this is a marked time of God calling us to Himself. I have a word for you. In fact, let me share three distinct words with you for this New Year of 5783.
Number One: God Wants to Speak to You!
He really, really, really does. One of the words I am carrying right now is concerning the jealousy of God. God wants to meet with you.
I am using this verse—call upon me and I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not yet know—but you’re going to, if you will carve out the time, if you will press in.
And some would say, Oh, but James, that’s just a religious spirit. But I’m just going to flat out say, No, it’s not. It’s the Bible. It’s God’s way.
How much are you reaching up to God? God is already reaching down to you and then you are invited to take hold of the God who is already reaching down to you. But it does take this partnership, does it not? Yes, it does.
You cannot live on yesterday’s bread. “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Jesus quotes this on the Sermon on the Mount and he quotes it from the book of Deuteronomy. And man doesn’t live on yesterday’s bread. Man doesn’t live on yesterday’s manna, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Number Two: It is a Year of Surprises
There are some surprises in this New Year of 5783—God surprises. Supernatural surprises are coming your way in ways and in package that you cannot dictate or control.
Number one, I want you to know this. God wants to speak to you. You might say, Well, that’s pretty generic. But is actually pretty awesome.
And He is waiting on you to come to Him because He wants to meet with you. He really does.
Number two, God’s has some surprises in store just for you. He really does!
Number Three: It’s A Year of Fruitfulness
I had three God dreams in one night on the first day of the new year, Rosh Hashana.
In dream interpretation, the first question you ask is where are you in the dream? Are you the central figure? Are you in the dream and observing? Are you not in the dream and you’re simply watching?
Well, I was a central figure in this dream, and the only one in it.
In the dream, my left arm (which represents A.R.M., or Apostolic Restoration Ministries, much like, is the arm of the Lord too short for Isaiah, and things of that nature) grew a banana. A banana grew out of my left arm, and in the dream, I thought that’s kind of crazy.
Then a voice said to me, “James, the older you get, the more like Bob Jones you are becoming.” (Bob Jones was one of my mentors in the prophetic and a profound seer. I describe him as a parabolic prophet.)
Then in the dream my voice seemed to shift, and I sounded somewhat like Paul Cain (another prophetic mentor) and I was doing humor (even though in the natural I don’t do humor like this).
Then off the cuff, I said, “Yeah, that would be really appealing.”
Then I woke up out of the dream, went into my kitchen to let my dog Destiny outdoors, and sitting on my kitchen counter was a banana. In the natural, there was a singular ripe banana sitting right on my kitchen counter that was not there before.
Now when I have bananas, they sit in a basket next to my coffee machine. There were no bananas in my house when I went to bed. But this banana was literally sitting on my kitchen counter.
So, I went back to bed and had two more dreams about different fruits growing out of my left arm.
On a personal level, I’ve been in a season where I haven’t felt like I was being the most fruitful, even though I’ve been doing my online classes, even though I’ve released another new book called, Revival Breakthrough.
Yes, I’ve been touching people and things of this nature, but I haven’t been able to travel, speak in meetings, and touch people in that personal manner that I love etc. So, in this dream, the Holy Spirit came to personally encourage me. “You’re being fruitful right now.”
But I also want to interpret this in a different way. And I want to say to each one of you…
- God wants to meet with you.
- God has some surprises for you.
- We are moving into a season of accelerated growth and fruitfulness…
…And the arm of the Lord will not be too short in your life!
In this year of 5783, we are moving into a time of accelerated growth and fruitfulness, and it will be appealing, and it’s not going to be any monkey business. There will be supernatural confirmations and supernatural signs.
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
Are all fruits good? Once it’s generally established that a practice or experience is biblical, it may not seem to be clear whether a particular experience is from God. That is why the Bible puts forward other tests.
Ultimately, we must ask the question regarding any manifestation or phenomenon. Is there good fruit?
Jesus said the following about this, quoting Matthew 7:17 & 20, “Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree [eventually] bears bad fruit. So, you will know them by their fruits.”
Well, it’s time for us to bear supernatural good fruit. And He is going to help us do that. Because we are to call upon Him and He will show us great and mighty things, which you do not yet know—but you’re going to know. And He is jealous for you.
And He really wants to draw near to you. There are surprises coming and we are moving into a time of accelerated growth.
Prayer for Good Supernatural Fruit
Let’s pray together.
Father, in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, we want more of your amazing presence in our lives, our families, and our cities in this Hebrew year of 5783. We welcome manifestations and the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit’s power. We welcome the gifts, and we welcome the fire, and we welcome the wind, and we welcome the fruit of the Holy Spirit. We desire the wisdom and the truth that come from the combined revelation of your Word and your Spirit. Help us to learn from the past outpourings of revivals, while at the same time not building monuments to them. We want to bear good fruit, spiritual fruit, and we want to bring glory to Your Name. Send revival now for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen and amen.