Have you ever struggled with having a big dream but you weren’t sure where to start to see it fulfilled?
You might feel stuck right now because you know that you have a God-sized dream on the inside of you. But… how do you get there? Whatever you do, do not despise the day of small beginnings. Scripture gives us a VERY important truth regarding this. Zachariah 4:10a says, “For who has despised the day of small things?” NKJV “Who [with reason] despises the day of small things (beginnings)?” AMPEvery big dream you have ever seen fulfilled has started small (from HUGE corporations to small ministries).
Mega-Entrepreneurs Have Small Beginnings
Here is some interesting information that will offer some encouragement! I did some research and according to Business Insider, five mega entrepreneurs all had small beginnings. In fact, Amazon, HP, Microsoft, Google, and Apple all began in garages. Now, I could give you the names of these people, like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, in addition to the lesser known names—but many of you already know the names of all these five mega billionaires.
But there’s somebody in the Bible who also had a very small beginning. And He will end up with the name that is above all names.
He was born in and out of the way place. And in fact, they were searching for a place for him, and they went to the city and still there was no room for him. He was going to be born out of wedlock. The circumstances didn’t appear to be the best with Mary as teenage girl, espoused to a man who was a little older than her. And they went to yet another city to get registered because they had to according to the law and they couldn’t find a place. So they found a place where the animals were kept, and the Creator of the Universe, the Word Incarnate, was born in a stable. Now that’s a small beginning.
My Own Small Beginning
I want to share with you about a day of small beginnings in my life. When I lived in Kansas City, I had not written one article, but I was the Dean of the School of the Spirit of what was called the Grace Training Center. One day, I walked into the prayer room and noticed a lady named Linda Valen. I prophesied to her, “You’re going to help me write my first outline, which will help me in putting together a set of notes or something.” That set of notes, for that initial class ended being put together for my first Study Guide. Linda assisted me and became my first secretary.
Little did I know, I was going to have a calling to write books and develop curriculum kits. Some of those very outlines are the original notes that were later put together into a Study Guide called Discerning God’s Voice. This in turn was used to create the International Best-Selling book, The Seer, which has been translated in over 25 different languages around the world.
So, do not despise the day of a small, small beginning.
Revival at Asbury Seminary
Now, did you know that just a few weeks ago I released a podcast called, “Signs of the Times: The Billion Soul Harvest Has Begun”? Right at the point in time that the podcast was released, do you know what started? The third historic outpouring of the Spirit at Asbury Seminary! In an out of the way, little country town of Willmore, Kentucky at Asbury College and Seminary has its roots in John Wesley’s teachings, and has seen outpourings in 1950, 1970 and now 2023. This outbreak of the Holy Spirit started and it’s been going on for hours and days – now even weeks – in length.
This outpouring has no specific public leader or hierarchy. It is primarily comprised of people 25 and under. When I went earlier this week to see it for myself, I felt not just an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, but an outpouring of kindness. Everyone, from the local authority manning the packed roads, to the volunteers outside of Hughes Auditorium, to everyone inside, expressed kindness. May this be a revival of kindness! As people have come to visit and worship together at Asbury, revival has begun to break out at other Universities and cities across the Nation! More Lord!
The Great Harvest has begun! So I have a word for you. You might feel like that you’re stewarding something that’s very small and you have a dream that your life would matter. Yes, I have a word for you. Your life matters and what you have in your heart matters.
You have something in your hand. Whatever it is, put your hand to the plow and don’t give up! Exercise your skills with all your heart, and do not despise the day of a small beginning.
Whatever you do, do it with all your heart unto the Lord, because it really matters. It really, really does.