“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night.
You who call on the Lord,
give yourselves no rest,
and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem
and makes her the praise of the earth.”
Isaiah 62:6-7 (NIV)
Could we be living in a Historic Defining Moment right now? There is what can be called Defining Moments in a person’s life, and even a Defining Moment in a Generation. I believe we are in the midst of one of those Defining Moments right now!
Let me tell you a narrative that takes place 40 years ago, in May of 1983, when Mike Bickle, Founder of the International House of Prayer – Kansas City, was a 30 year old man and when I first met Bob Jones, the Seer-Prophet. Yes, it was in the midst of a Joel’s Army 21 Day Fast! But before that occurred, let me give you some additional personal back story of how Mike’s and my life intertwined.
Cotton Bowl Expo of 1972
In 1972, I was toggling between my great loves in music and biology research. That June, I went to Dallas, Texas to the Cotton Bowl to attend Expo ‘72, to be a part of a Jesus Revolution. And you know who else attended Explosive 72 at the Cotton Bowl? None other than Mike Bickle. He was maybe 17 and I was 19. We even rode on the same bus from Colonial Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, MO and sang Jesus songs all the way down and all of the way back!
During the final large gathering at the Expo, Evangelist Billy Graham powerfully declared a message on Commitment. Mike Bickle, and I both stood to our feet to dedicate our lives to Christ Jesus to full time Christian Service. Holding a candle and singing, “Pass it On”, we both declared our lives were not our own, but that we surrendered all!
If you saw the newly released Jesus Revolution movie, there is a clip at the end where on the fifth night at the Expo ‘72, Billy Graham preaches. That is the very clip, when we stood to our feet in consecration. This was a defining moment in both of our lives.
21 Day Joel’s Army Fast
Fast forward to 1983, when Mike Bickle called forth for a 21 Day Joel’s Army Fast for the purposes of God. Mike Bickle was always passionate and had a gathering anointing. So I leaned into God, and I heard a trumpet sound of God. Well of course, it was the prophetic purposes of God!
So, Michal Ann and I gave ourselves to 21 nights of worship and prayer called Harvest Fellowship in Warrensburg, Missouri. Mike, and his newly founded team, were hosting gatherings three times a day of worship and prayer. On the 19th night, while hosting the evening meeting in Warrensburg, I was touched by an angel. I felt it. At that point, I started moving in and seeing words of knowledge and supernatural activities started happening. Spontaneous healing started to occur.
Right then I knew that I was called to be a part of what was being birthed in Kansas City. And I was willing to do whatever was needed to be in the middle of it. I knew it was going to make some sad, some mad, and a few glad, that I would lay every down in order to go partner with a group of people that I hardly knew. So Michal Ann and I did just that.
During that 21 day fast, Mike Bickle hosted a leaders’ meeting in Kansas City. Michal Ann was miraculously expecting our first-born child. It was medically documented that it was impossible for us to have children. While attending this leaders’ meeting in May of 1983, who do we meet? None other than Bob Jones. My first meeting of Bob Jones and Augustine Alcala, Bob Jones laid hands upon Michal Ann’s stomach and prayed a blessing upon the fruit of her womb. That meeting entirely changed the trajectory of our entire life.
In May of 1983, I began traveling immediately with Bob Jones and Augustine Alcala. We ended up moving, and turned the church we had been pastoring over to my Associate Pastor. I then became associated with Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, Paul Cain, Michael Sullivant’s, and others spiritual leaders. But it was this Joel’s Army Fast of ‘83 that ushered in one of the most impacting periods of time in both Mike Bickle’s and my entire lives.
40 Years Later – Mount the Walls for Jerusalem
Now, 40 years later, Mike is calling forth for an Isaiah 62 fast that he believes is going to be the most impacting period of time of his lifetime and ministry. When I heard that Mike is now calling for this fast, I was immediately impressed to partner with this call. Whatever I’m doing, it doesn’t matter, I am still alive and I could have died myself four times. I’m still alive for such a time as this. So I am joining Mike in calling for 100,000 people to pray and fast for Jerusalem May 7th through May 28th, a total of 21 days.Mike has taken pulse with various Messianic and other leaders in the body of Christ to ask, “Has this ever really been done?”
Mike’s is calling for 100,000 people to pray and fast. And of course we can adapt your form of fasting to meet your limitations and needs. Along with this article is a 21 Day Devotional called The Heart of God for Israel, and it is a very simple guide to help us stay on track and help us all be united. While the call is for 100,000, the goal is to raise up 1 million intercessors for Jerusalem. I’m 70 years old and have limitations today that I did not when I was 30 years old, but my heart is just as engaged.
I want to share from my book The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East: A Prophetic Gaze Into the Future:
“After our move from Kansas City to “Music City,” the first conference that my wife, Michal Ann, and I hosted in Nashville was on “The Mystery of the Church and Israel.” Our friends Avner and Rachel Boskey of Final Frontier Ministries in the Beer Sheva region of Israel led the worship. During one of the worship times, I saw an open vision of an eye staring right at me. In the middle of this eye, I saw the Star of David. As I gazed more intently upon the vision, I saw a Scripture reference written in the middle of the Star of David. The Scripture I saw was Zechariah 2:8.
I did not have the foggiest idea what Zechariah 2:8 was, so I found it in my Bible: “The one who touches you [Israel], touches the apple of His eye.”
Some other translations render the phrase apple of God’s eye as the pupil of God’s eye. The pupil is the opening that allows light into the eye, beginning the process of sight. So he who touches Israel touches the center of God’s eye—the center of God’s sight.
If you want an accurate prophetic perception of life, Scripture and God’s purposes on earth, especially in the days before Christ returns, you must have God’s vision, seeing through God’s eyes and then holding dear to your heart the things that are closest to His heart. Since Israel is at the center of God’s vision, we need to see through the lens of Israel’s destiny if we are to see correctly and clearly.”
(Taken from page 74 of The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East.).
Call for One Million Intercessors for Israel
I join Mike Bickle in calling us to mount the walls. We must prepare for May 7th through May 28th, and call forth one hundred thousand intercessors to grow to one million. It has never happened in Jewish or Church History. I am releasing a clarion call to join us as Watchmen on the Walls for Jerusalem. There is only one city in the entire Bible that we are commanded to pray for by name and it is Jerusalem.
There are many cities that are still with us today that are mentioned that are in the Bible, but there is only one in the entire book that all people of all time, of every background are called to pray for by name and it is Jerusalem. We are all called to pray for the shalom, the peace of Jerusalem. So I am here to add my agreement and a clarion call to mount the walls for Jerusalem for such a time as this. Amen and Amen!