Do you want to be close to the Heart of God? Then one of the keys is to be close to the people and places that are closest to the heart of God.
A little reminder—there is only one city in the entire Bible, that all people, of all times, are commanded to pray for by name. And there are many cities that are still in existence today at the time of the writing of the Bible: Constantinople, Antioch, Cairo, Damascus, Rome, etc. But there’s only one city that all people, of all time, are called to pray for by name, in fact, and it is Jerusalem. With that in mind, I want to invite you to participate in a Global Esther Moment and an Isaiah 62 Fast this May 7 – 28, 2023.Global Esther Moment
I need you to really lean in, as I adapt this a little. So put your ears on and listen to this verse again. “If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.” Now, here’s the phrase I want us to capture together for this modern-day Global Esther Moment. “You have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14
I believe the Holy Spirit is talking to each of you, and I am partnering with Him to echo His sentiments.
Now, I have been building line by line over the last few weeks on this content. The scriptures actually indicate in Old Testament that the Gentiles will carry the Jewish people upon our shoulders. This will be a reversal of the churches negative responses toward the Jewish people in history past. I have written about this in detail in my books The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East, Father Forgive Us, and others.
When we study the teachings of Romans 11, we see according to the End Time revelations found here, that Gentile believers are to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy. We are to be agents of the Holy Spirit in taking the blinders off the Jewish people’s eyes concerning the revelation that Jesus Christ is their Messiah. Fascinating, is it not? What an amazing prophetic journey we are on!
So Jews and Gentiles are intertwined together when you study the book of Romans, particularly in Chapter 11, and many other prophetic passages of scripture. This narrative is also supported in the book of Isaiah, Jeremiah, by the prophet Zachariah, the Psalms, and numerous other passages of scripture.
Defining Moments in the Manifest Presence of God
Let me take you on a little prophetic narrative of a time when I was ministering in Hanover, Germany at Conference. Perhaps the best way I can clearly cover a lot of ground and do it with clarity, is to cite this directly from the fourth chapter of “The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East” book. Are you ready to hear about one of my Defining Moments in the Manifest Presence of God?
“It’s now the second night of the conference, and while we were worshiping, God’s presence rolled into the room to such a degree that about half the attendees lay prostrate on the floor, seeking God. The Holy Spirit instructed me to read the book of Esther as we were all in the presence of God, all in the glory. As I sat in the front row, I read the book of Esther under the manifest presence of God. I had never read a book of the Bible before or since under such an overwhelming dimension of destiny and presence. Under His anointing, I read the book Esther from beginning to end. He gave me a different lens to read it through—the ‘I’ narrative of Mordecai. What was being highlighted to me was not so much about Esther as about Mordecai.
“One of my callings in this life, I believe, is to be a modern-day Mordecai, who has a spirit of adoption to help nurture the Bride for her divine appointment. I am to stand in the gap—especially in the time of Purim. I am sure many others have this same calling, and I pray we all take this role seriously. It is a calling available for us all.
“Over the years, after each of a few close-to-death moments, I asked God, ‘Why am I still here?’ One of the reasons is to teach what I am teaching right now. Another reason is to challenge the Church. Yet one more reason is to wake myself up and wake you up, that we will be part of the gentle, the rude, and the Great Awakening—that we will have God’s heart and carry the Jewish people on our shoulders to God with Scripture-based prayers for divine appointment and fulfillment.
“Now I have a few questions for you. Will you lift up your voice to fill up every clay pot with His glory? Will you join me? Let the cry arise. Receive your appointment as a vessel of history-making intercession for such a time as this. Allow the Holy Spirit to give you guidance and instruction. He wants to release this spirit of adoption—the calling to be a Mordecai for such a time as this. Accept God’s heart to help prepare the Bride for her divine appointment.”
(Excerpts taken from Chapter 4, pages 86-87 of The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East.)
Joel’s Army Fast – Seer Prophet Bob Jones
As previously noted, I have almost gone to be with the Lord four times. Each time this happens, I seriously ask God, what are you sending me back? What is my purpose? I believe I’m appointed for this very timeframe right now!
40 years ago when I was 30 years old, Mike Bickle called forth a Joel’s Army Fast from May 7th – May 28th in 1983. I heard in my heart the trumpet of God. Even as a young man, Mike Bickle had a gathering anointing upon his life. He is now stepping into his Statesman anointing of his lifetime. This I know, that trumpet has been put to his mouth once again and I hear Heaven’s reverberation’s coming forth!
As I was a young pastor, my little team and I led 21 nights of worship and prayer at our church in Warrensburg, MO called Harvest Fellowship Church. I was touched by an angel one of those nights in worship as Michal Ann was standing next to me singing on the platform. Instantly, I received words of knowledge and the beginning of supernatural activity. Then Michal Ann and I drove to Kansas City for a leaders’ meeting that Mike Bickle called. While there, we met a seer prophet named Bob Jones and he laid hands upon Ann, who was now expecting our first miracle child. From that day forward, I started walking in ministry with Bob Jones.
So 40 years later, we are moving into the fulfillment of many of the prophetic words that were released during that period of time. We are stepping over into the beginning of the Great Harvest.
Such a Time As This
Now, you don’t have to have been a part of that fast of ‘83, but guess what? 40 years later, the prophetic scepter from the King of Kings is being lowered again. You can participate is an Isaiah 62 Global Fast this May 7th – 28th. Initially, Mike Bickle was looking for 100,000 prayer warriors who would sign up to pray and fast which would eventually grow to 1 million.
This is not going to be the Gideon’s Army group that is whittled back to 300. I believe this is a demarcation that will be called a Global Esther Moment. I am believing that there will be 3 million praying people to partner with us to fast and pray!
We at God Encounters Ministries have signed up to be one of the many hubs that are participating in the Global Isaiah 62 Fast. I’m inviting you to participate with me and my team in many different levels, strategies, and dimensions. I want you to have a group of two and three in your very own home.
I will be Live at 9:00 AM Central Time every morning on my God Encounters Facebook, leading in Scripture Based Prayer for Israel and the Middle East. I’m going to close out with communion each morning. Please visit our special web presence at where you can sign up for our special emails notices, view our resources, reminders about the prayer times, and other relevant information.
I realize that I am a bridge person, at this point in time in my life, from the past generation to the present generation, to bring these prophetic words to the next generation. Remember, the words from Esther 4:14, “who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.”
Standing in the Gap with You,
James W. Goll and Team
This article uses material from Chapter 4, pages 86-87 of The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East.