“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” Acts 16:31
You and your household. Wow!
There’s a dimension in the spirit, where the head of a household has the authority to open a doorway of faith over their family that gives an opportunity for God to enter the household. And once God gets hold of a family, it affects all the generations to come.
I know some of you come from hard backgrounds. But, let me encourage you, despite what’s come before, it can all change with you!
Think about it, every Godly lineage had to start somewhere. Friend, it can start with you. Your prayers can change your family line forever!
Powerful Declaration for Your Family
I want you to come into agreement with the declaration from Joshua 24:15. It’ll help set the stage for the rest of this article and increase your faith in what’s possible in God. So, declare this out loud with me:
“… But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD!”
You might need to declare that Scripture several times until it sinks in. Let the Spirit guide you. Keep declaring it until it becomes real for you, until you feel that God-confidence swell inside of you. Our words and declarations change reality. Your words have power. Keep declaring that verse until it becomes real to you!
God is Able and Willing: Keep Praying!
Don’t lose faith. Every prayer counts and every sacrifice matters. I can’t express to you how important praying parents are in the kingdom. Every mother and father have God-ordained authority over their family. When parents use that authority to partner with God in prayer, families and lives change.
I remember the prayers of my mom. My mom was committed to prayer day-in and day-out. In high school, if I got home and couldn’t find my mom, I knew I could find her praying at the local Methodist church.
One time, I remember going to church after school to find my mom up-front kneeling in prayer. I said nothing. I just watched her pouring her heart out before the LORD.
I believe I was marked by the prayers of my mother. I would not be the man I am without the help of my mother’s intercession. She taught me, through word and action, the importance of a lifestyle of prayer.
I tell you this to encourage you to stand in the gap for your family members. When we stand in the gap, we hold open a door for the gospel to enter someone’s life.
I cannot guarantee the hearts of your family members will change immediately. But, I can promise you that your prayers make a difference. Often, someone’s salvation is the fruit of many years of loving sacrifice. The road can grow long and weary, but God is ready to sustain us every step of the way.
If you haven’t seen the salvation of your loved ones, keep praying! God has a miracle for you. He’ll make a way; He always does.
10 Ways to Pray Your Family into God’s Kingdom!
I want to help energize your prayer life. Here are 10 practical ways you can pray for your family!
- Pray for God to soften their hearts. (Ezekiel 11:19)
- Pray for the spirit of conviction to fall on their lives. (John 16:8)
- Pray for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to give them dreams, visions, and angelic visitations. (Ephesians 1:17)
- Pray the Holy Spirit will bring God’s Word to their remembrance. (John 14:26)
- Pray prayers of forgiveness over them and their relationships. (Matthew 6:14-15)
- Pray God will send compassionate, spirit-filled laborers into their path. (Matthew 9:38)
- Pray for a revelation of the realities of eternity, both heaven and hell.
- Pray against generational hindrances and their ability to resist the enemy. (Matthew 6:13)
- Solicit the prayers of others! Don’t carry these prayer burdens alone. (2 Corinthians 1:10-11)
- Pray for a revelation of God’s great love and kindness! (Romans 2:4)
Keep in mind, God may use challenging circumstances to bring your loved ones to faith, but don’t pray for trials! We don’t want to partner with the devil’s work. God is good all the time. However, we don’t want a time of crisis to go to waste. In difficult seasons, pray your loved ones would find God in the middle of the difficulty and experience His love.
Prayer for Family Salvation
Lord, I bring my family members to you right now. I bless them in Jesus’s great name. I call on you to soften their hearts and to release the spirit of conviction upon them. I pray that you reveal your goodness to them and draw them to repentance. Father, bring to remembrance Your Word to their minds and hearts. Dispatch laborers to cross their paths – people who move in power, compassion, and kindness. Also, release radical demonstrations of your love and kindness; I want all my family members to be part of your eternal family. It’s all for love and Your kingdom’s sake. In Jesus’s holy and wonderful name we pray. Amen!
Standing in the Gap Together!
James W. Goll
This article includes content from Chapter 10: “Praying Your Family into the Kingdom” in James W. Goll’s updated book, Global Prayer Storm.