Numbers 11:29 “But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”
During the last several months, I’ve had the honor of gathering with prophets and apostolic leaders from around the world! One such gathering was the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) chaired by Cindy Jacobs of Generals International.
ACPE was founded 24 years ago by C. Peter Wagner. I’ve had the distinct honor of serving in this council since its inception. We started as a group of 25 prophets but now we’re up to over 50 members! When we gather, each person is asked to bring a written word for the year that can be carefully examined some at the time and some later.
We also make room for worship and the spontaneous flow of the prophetic. We want to collectively weigh and test what God is saying about the following year. When we arrive at agreement on words, it’s electric. There were many amazing words given this year at the ACPE, but here are several I want to share with you:
Jane Hamon and Voice Activated Miracles
Jane Hamon, of Christian International, talked about this year being the Year of the Voice Activated Door. Our breakthroughs, miracles, and prophetic fulfillments will be distinctly voice activated. She said this year was the appointed time for us to flourish and blossom. We just have to remember to open wide our mouths in order to activate our miracles.
Patricia King, of XP Ministries, often talks about how we live in a voice activated kingdom. Sometimes the Kingdom of God is simply waiting for us to mobilize it by speaking it forth in Jesus Name!
To partner with Jane Hamon’s prophecy, make this declaration with me:
“Thank You Lord that You are revealing Yourself as He who opens what no man can shut. This year is the appointed time for my miracle. Father, I receive Your voice of promise. I let go of past disappointments, barrenness, shame, and fear. I step into divine opportunities and activate my miracle season with my voice. I make a choice to believe You, God. With You, all things are possible. So, I declare, this year, I will possess my door of double hope. In Jesus name. Amen and Amen!”
Cindy Jacobs and The Year of the Door
Cindy Jacobs, of General’s International, also shared many powerful words. Cindy specified this year was “The Year of the Door.” Here are several of the doors she mentioned:
- The Door of Revival: More people will accept Christ in a week on college campuses than had happened in years previous. Firebrands will burn bright on school campuses of all grade levels and student led missions groups will grow quickly.
- The Door of the Nations: The missions movement in Africa, specifically the French speaking nations of Africa, will experience the power of God poured upon them. The continent will be evangelized, and Young African firebrands will preach with great fervor. Africa will burn brightly for Jesus.
- The Door of Economics: Economic solutionists will be released. However, we must not get into fear. We must stay in faith. Things may change a lot, but we must look straight ahead at Jesus. Digital currency will become the order of the day, but we must be careful to discern.
- The Door of History Making Prayer: History making doors of prayer are opening as they did in World War II and other critical times. There are wars and rumors of war and regional wars are coming, but God is raising up watchmen who will shape history before the throne of almighty God.
We Must Come To Jesus!
These are powerful words and many of them align with things I’ve seen in this upcoming season as well which I will be sharing in my free webinar coming up soon.
Now, with these words and others, I want to remind you that you don’t have the grace to pick up any of these words unless you first come to Jesus. If we don’t come to Him, we’ll end up getting weary and heavy laden. He is our supernatural source of peace and rest.
May you take a hold of some of these prophetic words, mix them with faith, and make them your own! It’s the Year of the Open Door and It’s Time Step Thru!
A Prayer of Acknowledgement
Father, in Jesus’ wonderful name we earnestly desire the spiritual gifts and especially that we might prophesy. Teach us how to receive and release the gift of prophecy, and how to walk in Your wisdom every day. We want to see a greater impact of the prophetic in our generation. Have Your will in our lives. Refine us! Cleanse us! Empower us! Open our hearts to receive more of You. Release new prophetic gifts, pure and authentic, in our generation so that we can demonstrate the love of Jesus better than ever. We want to walk in Your steps. Amen.
May God Bless Each One of You!
– James W. Goll